作为商业广告, 金融物流中心, 肯尼亚 is the beating heart for international trade if you want to develop your business in the East 非洲n marketplace. With over 260 million people and a steady growth in many sectors it is a region with lots of potential.


肯尼亚首都内罗毕有超过5个,在该地区开展活动的000个非政府组织, 这个城市提供了大量的机会. 此外, 肯尼亚的经济是由城市化推动的, 结构性改革, 基础设施投资, 消费者PG电子游戏的可持续发展, 以及政府间东非共同体的一体化. 不过, 这个国家仍然面临着一些阻碍这一进展的挑战, 比如欺诈, 腐败和高犯罪率.


肯尼亚在众多领域为PG电子官方免费下载公司提供了许多机会, 比如能源, 信息通信技术, 电信和基础设施. The growing middle class in the country also increases the demand for consumer goods. 肯尼亚是PG电子官方免费下载在东非的重要伙伴. More than 50 Swedish companies have an office in Nairobi where they run their business activity for both 肯尼亚 and other countries in the region.


Swedish companies that want to expand to 肯尼亚 can count on the network and advice of our Nairobi office. It was established in 2007 and is also responsible for several neighbouring markets, including 埃塞俄比亚、卢旺达、坦桑尼亚、乌干达和刚果民主共和国. 内罗毕也是我们在非洲市场的中心办事处, and there is a close collaboration with our offices in Johannesburg and Casablanca.

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肯尼亚拥有运转良好的市场经济和新闻自由, 健全的民主进程和强大的公民社会. 这个国家正在迅速发展, with an enthusiastic and fast-growing middle class that is curious about 欧洲an goods. 英语是教育中的主导语言, 政治与商业, 尽管距离欧洲很远, 文化差异比你第一眼想象的要小.

Companies that offer cost-effective solutions should see East 非洲 as a growth opportunity. Goods and services that help local businesses to increase their efficiency have great potential to gain a significant market share. 在基础设施方面也有很大的投资需求, 医疗保健, 在各种由援助资助的项目中, 开发银行和捐助组织.


在发展中市场工作总是意味着一定程度的风险. 在肯尼亚,安全可能是一个问题, 因为路况不好, 犯罪, 甚至恐怖主义也会造成潜在的危险. 在遵从性方面也存在重大挑战, 比如腐败, 欺诈和难以获得所有权信息, 会计和流程. 付款并不总是符合西欧人的期望, 有时东非合作伙伴迟交或根本不交. To manage these risks, strong local partners and close control on local 操作 are necessary.


市场占有率很重要, since strong business relationships are mostly created through personal contact and physical meetings. A strong commitment, dedication to the market, and trust in partners is highly appreciated. 表达你的信任被视为对你的合作伙伴的PG电子游戏的认可, 在出现问题时提供可靠性和支持.